Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Monday we are read a story called "Waters of Gold" [read a summary here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HOGCIl8UnTKvYOU5KQV_yP1iejwxo0xAfWTTIRjGJ60/edit?usp=sharing]

-We then talked about the figurative language used in this story: personification, metaphors, similes, irony, repetition, and imagery.

Tuesday we began writing our rough draft for our personal narrative. See the "From Mrs. Lock" folder [https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-wpXarO8sPyRVQtRjdpcmJFeFk&usp=sharing] and click on "Personal Narrative Rubric" for requirements and click on "Copy of Personal Narrative Brainstorming" for help with this assignment if you lost any of your copies.

Wednesday  We will continue to write our rough draft and hopefully finish by the end of class. If everyone has finished their rough draft and if your class' behavior was good, then we are going to go outside to peer edit on Thursday

Thursday Peer edit outside! See the "From Mrs. Lock" folder [https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-wpXarO8sPyRVQtRjdpcmJFeFk&usp=sharing]  on Google drive for a copy of the peer editing guide.

Friday we will type our final draft on the Chromebooks! See the requirements below:

-Must be in MLA format
-Must be in your ELAR folder
-MUST BE titled "Last Name Personal Narrative" so that I can find it when I search for it.

If you are not satisfied with your Test 2 score, please visit Schoology and take the Re-Test 2. I will take the higher grade of the two. You HAVE to come let me know that you want me to replace the grade if you score higher. 

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