Friday, May 16, 2014

End of Year Survery

I need to know what you think about this class and my teaching this year. Your ideas and feelings are really important to me. I'll use this information to make my class better next year. It's really important that you are as honest as possible.
However, I'd also like to ask you to be responsible for how you say things. If you say that you didn't like me because I was always mean, then I won't be able to hear your real complaints.
I want to take your opinion seriously. I want you to think about how you say things. If you have critical comments, that's fine. In fact, I encourage you to be critical. But I also recommend that you explain your answers. 
I really need your help to get better. There's no one whose opinion matters more to me than yours. I need you to be really honest :) Click below for the survey! Thank you for a great year Mustangs!! Best of luck to you in HIGH SCHOOL!!!!

End of Year Survery Click HERE

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