Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Update on Divergent!

We are going to be through with chapter 14 today. Tomorrow we will be taking a break from reading and review the persuasive techniques we learned today. You will also have a little class time tomorrow to plan your propaganda poster.

ALSO! I have changed the due date of your faction poster project to FEBRUARY 14TH! YAY!

Click the link below to view the video we watched today to learn about rhetorical (persuasive) devices.


Ethos (ethical/trustworthy character)- appealing to a viewers trust [uses a trusted celebrity or authority figure]

Pathos (emotional)- appealing to a viewers emotions. "Tugging on their heart strings"

Logos (reason/logic)- appealing to a viewers sense of logic [uses facts, data, reasons why]

Also, I am going to be handing out another copy of the rubric for the project just in case you lost yours. I will also include a handy check list to make sure you are creating an AWESOME poster! See the links below to print/view.



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