Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Monday we read "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury and answered questions over it.

Tuesday we read "There will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury and we held a class discussion over it.

Wednesday we creatively wrote about "There Will Come Soft Rains". See the requirements/directions below...

What do I write about?
Pretend that you are Mrs. McClennan. Write a short story from her point of view about maybe a day in her life, or you could write about the day of the disaster.

-Include all elements of plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution) [30 points]
-Include 2 examples of figurative language [30 points]
-Write in 1st person point of view (Mrs. McClennan's) [25 points]
-Correct heading [15 points]
-NO LENGTH REQUIREMENT, just meet these ^^

Visit your Drive account for copies of both stories. Remember, your log-in is: and your password is last four digits of your ID number. Click "Shared with me" then click "From Mrs. Lock"

If you did not finish this assignment in class, it is homework due tomorrow, THURSDAY!

Monday, August 18, 2014

8/19- Finish Pre-Assessment and MLA format

Today, we will be going over your outside reading project. Please record the due dates in your personal planner or phone. These will be counted as test grades! See below the helpful videos for setting up your first MLA formatted document in Google Drive.

MLA formatted Google Doc videos.
Video 1

Video 2


We are taking a Pre-Assessment to see what you know!

Friday, August 15, 2014


Today we will be practicing using Schoology and Google Drive. Please read the steps below:

1. Log onto Schoology and complete the quiz: "See what you know"

2. Then go to, (log in if you aren't already) and create a new document in your ELA folder titled "My Summer Vacation" and begin free-writing about your summer. Here are some starts questions:
 What did you do this summer? What would you have liked to do? How did you spend your free time? Make sure that your document is in your folder so that it is shared with me. **USE YOUR MLA HEADING IN YOUR DOCUMENT IN THE TOP LEFT CORNER** (refer to the notebook paper on the right of the whiteboard if you forgot how to write one). It needs to be 2 paragraphs long.

3. When you are done with that, go to google and type in: Lock ELA STAAR Vocabulary and click on the first link. You may click on either of the two games listed under "Play" (Scatter or Space Race). Please attempt these games at least 2 times. This is just to give you a preview of the words we will cover this year in ELAR.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Google Drive 8/13

Log in:
Password: last four digits of ID number

We worked on researching MLA format and Career Portals worked on researching possible careers.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday 8/12

Today we will be identifying our goals and illustrating them. For those absent, just make sure you have written on a blank page your goal and make it creative and colorful! Just like Misty Copeland, we want to strive to be the best we can this year; identifying our goals is the first step in achieving that greatness. Make sure to have your goal ready to turn in tomorrow.

Upcoming Due Dates:
Wednesday: Goal Illustration & Parent Page
Thursday: Parent Page
Friday: Parent Page and last day to turn in Summer Reading Assignment for full credit.

Links for important documents:

First Day Powerpoint and Procedures

Syllabus and Parent Page