Thursday, October 24, 2013

Test Tomorrow/Monkey Paw Questions

Don't forget to study for your test tomorrow!! Click this link to read The Monkey's Paw online: CLICK HERE!

Questions (go along with the answers you have on your notebook paper). Study your answers to help with the test.

1. What kind of mood is created by the setting?
2. What mood is created by Sergeant Morris' story?
3. What does his story foreshadow?
4. Herbert foreshadows his own death. What does he say?
5. Re-read the breakfast scene. The mood has changed from ___________ to ______________
From here, the numbering will be different for 7th & 8th period
6. Who is the unanticipated visitor? What news does he bring?
7. List two examples of imagery found in the scenes following Herbert's death.
8. What does the monkey's paw symbolize?
9. What point of view is this story written in?
10. What do you think the theme of this story is?
11. (except Pre-AP) Finish the ending to the story. Include three examples of imagery/figurative language, resolve the conflict, and keep the same point of view.

Pre-AP students, here are the requirements for your writing assignment that will be due on TUESDAY the 29th:

1. Include 10 examples of figurative language/imagery
2. Showcase your plot development skills (include all elements of plot-- resolution not required)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Passages for Pattern Project

Text Pattern Project Extension.
Here are all the passages. Also, they go in order according to your graphic organizers. This is due Monday. I've given you a great extension; please work diligently and turn this in on time. Be brief when recording info from the passages (summarize/key words). I don't want the exact sentence from the passage! Pre-AP, see below the passages for your article requirements!

Pre-AP Assignment-- DUE MONDAY!
-Write according to one of the patterns you've learned this week
-Persuade or inform me of a topic of YOUR choice!
-Back up your claims with evidence! List your source at the bottom of your article. Just the URL will do fine.

Monday, October 14, 2013

New Ticket Reward System Overview

Hello everyone. On Friday, I introduced a new reward system that we would be using in our class for the rest of the year. If you've forgotten, or were absent, here are the details:

-Tickets will be given out to students that are displaying leadership skills, good behavior, and hard work. You can be given tickets in AND out of class. For tickets given in class, you must write your name on the back of the ticket, then turn it in at the end of class. I will initial your ticket when it is returned to me, and place it in your class' envelope.

-On Fridays, I will draw 5 tickets out of your class' envelope. The more tickets you've received throughout the week, the more chances you'll have to get your name drawn. The following rewards can be received for having your name drawn:

1. Free 100 on any daily grade (even if it was a zero)
2. Eat lunch with a friend & me
3. Nice note/phone call home
4. Sit anywhere you want on the following Monday (even the teacher's desk!)
5. 10 extra points on any test grade
6. If you have TWO tickets drawn with your name on them, I will get you Whataburger for lunch one day the following week :)

-After drawing on Fridays, I will take the remaining tickets and place them in your class bucket.

-At the end of every six weeks, I will count each classes' tickets and the class that received the most tickets together will win a party day with food and no classwork!

-At the end of the year, whichever class has received the most tickets will win a big reward (to be determined).

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Imagery Pictures and Notes

Here are some examples of our imagery hunt from the past couple days! I've edited out the names... Also, at the very bottom, I've included a picture of the board today covering what we're going over. If you were absent, this is something you need to see!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Pictures from Imagery Hunt!

Today, we identified imagery in informational text! We read about The Great Fire in Chicago :) Tomorrow, we are going to finish reading the story we started today and apply our knowledge of authors purpose, tone, mood, and making inferences. We will also be illustrating imagery we found! See y'all tomorrow!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

New photos!

We had a lot of fun playing the vocabulary review card game on Wednesday!

Don't forget, our vocabulary test is tomorrow! Study hard :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tone & Purpose Video Homework, due 10/3

Please take notes over this video! We will turn our notes in tomorrow for a grade :) These notes are due on Thursday, October 3rd.

>>> CLICK ME! To watch the video :)

Have a great night!