Thursday, September 26, 2013

Allusion Video Homework THURSDAY NIGHT!

Just so we are all on the same page, you MUST write NOTES over this video tonight! We will turn them in tomorrow; that is the only way you will get credit for your homework. I have to see the notes you took!



Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Theme Video Homework

Click the following link to view the video about theme for homework tonight. Please follow the instructions and takes notes/answer questions as you are instructed to do so! This assignment will be due at the beginning of class tomorrow :) have a great night!!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Poetry Week!

Class, this week we will be analyzing poetry for theme and allusions! Wednesday and Thursday night you'll have a video and notes for homework! Ill post the links tomorrow :) Come ready to talk about common themes! Maybe we will even talk about mood too :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Abuela Invents the Zero

Hey everyone!

We did an assignment on Friday that involved you making your own ending to Abuela Invents the Zero. If you did not finish, here are the requirements:

1. You must continue using Connie as the narrator
2. You must include three examples of figurative language (underline them)
3. You must fix the conflict between Abuela and Connie

This is homework if you did not finish. It will be due on Monday :) have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Retro DAY!

Tomorrow we will be working on our rough drafts for our first personal narrative. The theme of your narrative should have something to do with kindness :) The final draft is due MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16th! We will be working on this the rest of the week. You should be able to complete the whole paper in class. If not, you'll have the weekend to finalize it!

Retro Day Pics!

Nerd day photos

Monday, September 9, 2013


Tonight, you should complete the brainstorming activity page that was handed out in class. I need for you to identify a story that you'd like use for your personal narrative. Please describe (with detail) the exposition, climax, and resolution of the story. Be ready to share at the beginning of class tomorrow :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

This Weekend

Hello all!

I need for everyone to brainstorm for a personal narrative that we will be working on in class next week. Your personal narrative should be similar to the message in Waters of Gold: "Kindness comes with no price."

Remember that a personal narrative is a story that you'll come up with from events in your own life. Be thinking about a time in your life when kindness was shown to you, or when you displayed kindness.

Below you'll find the audio from the story. Listen to it if you were absent, or need to hear it again to think of a good topic for your personal narrative.

Waters of Gold Audio

If you were absent, please view the below document as it will help you brainstorm for your own for your personal narrative...

Brainstorm for your personal narrative

We will begin writing our first draft on Monday. Have a great weekend y'all!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week Overview 9/3-9/6

We will be learning about static and dynamic characters. We will also begin reading the Medicine Bag and making inferences about our characters.

Continue reading The Medicine Bag, filling out our inference tables as we read.

We will finish reading The Medicine Bag
ELAR classes: will complete a Dynamic vs. Static character chart.
Pre-AP classes: will write a 6+ sentence response in their Response to Literature section about the different characters in the story. They must identify whether the main characters are static or dynamic. They must include 3 characters at least and evidence from the text.

We will be learning a new topic (it's a secret!). To practice this new topic, we will listen to the folktale "Waters of Gold." Homework: complete the brainstorming hand out for your personal narrative if it was not finished in class.

It's going to be a great week!